CT and CBCT Imaging
CT scans need to be saved in either single-file DICOM or multi-file DICOM format. CT scans saved in any other file format will not be able to be reviewed. The DICOM cannot be anonymized.
We have step-by-step DICOM export instructions for many CBCT scanners. Search for the instructions for your CBCT scanner by typing the manufacturer into the 'Search' field in the top-right corner of this page.
2D Imaging
If you have 2D radiographs, save them in either JPG, PNG, TIF, or BMP format.
MRI Imaging
If you are uploading MRI imaging, you will need to include the full contents of the disc you received from the imaging center.
Create a new folder on your Desktop, copy the full contents of the MRI disc to that folder, compress the folder into a .zip file, and upload the .zip file to the patient's case on the BeamReaders website.
Please note that some MRI imaging can only be read while the disc is in the computer. We prefer that you try to upload the full contents of the MRI disc first. If we determine that the disc is needed, we will contact you with specific mailing instructions.