Open the iDixel software to patient's volume and highlight the image you wish to export
Select the icon of the arrow pointing to the disk from the 'Tools' area and choose 'Save to DICOM File' and then choose 'Axial Image'
Adjust the Thickness and Interval to the lowest number possible and click 'OK'
For the 'Accession Number' prompt, no changes are needed -- simply click 'OK'
The DICOM files will be exported to the folder you have previously established as your 'Exports' folder from this software
When the DICOM export is complete, a message will appear to let you know
Locate the folder where the DICOM files were saved. In some instances, the path to the exports folder is C:\JMoritaMFG\3Dx\Simulation. You can browse to your exports folder using the File Explorer or you may also find a shortcut to your exports folder on the Desktop.
Once you locate the exports folder, you may find that there are multiple folders inside the exports folder. The folders will be named with the patient's ID number, an underscore, and the date and time the scan was taken (i.e. 000031426_20210715100421)
Locate the folder that contains the scan you want, right-click on that folder, go to 'Send to', and choose 'Compressed (zipped) folder'
A new file will be created that likely looks like a folder with a zipper on it or a folder with the letter 'z' on it (that's the .zip file we need)
Upload the .zip file to the patient's case on the BeamReaders website
NOTE: If, after submitting your case, you receive a message from BeamReaders Support alerting you that the DICOM we received was anonymized, you will need to contact J. Morita technical support for assistance exporting non-anonymized DICOM.