- Create a new folder on the Desktop and name the folder with the patient's name
- Open the desired patient scan in 3DV software
- Click Custom Export to access the Custom Export window:
- On the Custom Export window, select the Export to DICOM:
- Make the following selections:
- Define set - To prepare images for export, select 'Following Slices', then 'Axial Slices' and set Pitch and Thickness to the smallest/lowest number possible:
- Destination - Select 'Folder' and click the Browse button to select the folder on the Desktop that is named with the patient's name.
- Image Options - Set Window/Level and Matrix size to 'Current':
- Define set - To prepare images for export, select 'Following Slices', then 'Axial Slices' and set Pitch and Thickness to the smallest/lowest number possible:
- Export Options - Uncheck all boxes:
- Script/Application - Leave this blank.
- Export Options - Uncheck all boxes:
- After completing these selections, click 'Run' to export the DICOM:
- Once the export is finished, go to the Desktop, right-click on the folder that's named with the patient's name, go to 'Send to', and choose 'Compressed (zipped) folder'. This will create a new icon on the Desktop that will have the same name as the folder you just right-clicked on, but the icon will most likely be a folder with a zipper on it. That is the file we need.
- Upload the folder with a zipper on it (which is a .zip file) to the patient’s case on the BeamReaders website.